Date of Post: 18 Jan 2021
Short Information about Job: UP NHM Admit Card for the Post of Block Account Manager and Other Various Posts(1400+ Posts) Recruitment 2019-2020 has been announced by National Health Mission (NHM UP). Interested Candidates for the Recruitment Examination can Download their Admit Card.
You can also Read: UP NHM ANM, Staff Nurse Recruitment 2021
Post Code | Post Name | Age Limit | Total Post |
BPMU-BAM | Block Account Manager | Max 40 | 86 |
CH-NRC-NFD | Nutritionist/Feeding Demonstrat | Max 40 | 6 |
DH-CHC-DS | Dental Surgeon | Max 62 | 19 |
AYUSH -MO | AYUSH - MO | Max 62 | 46 |
AYUSH-MO-YS | AYUSH MOYoga Specialist | Max 62 | 2 |
NCD-NMHP-CRA | Case Registry Assistant | Max 40 | 58 |
NCD-NMHP-CP | Clinical Psychologist | Max 45 | 32 |
NCD-NMHP-CLP | Community Level Psychologist | Max 40 | 300 |
NCD-NMHP-MEO | Monitoring & Evaluation Officer | Max 45 | 61 |
NCD-NMHP-PSW | Psychiatric Social Worker | Max 45 | 30 |
NCD-NPCB-EDC | EYE Donation Counsellor | Max 40 | 1 |
NCD-NPCB-OA | Ophthalmic Assistant | Max 40 | 1 |
NCD-NPCDCS-FLC | Finance-cum Logistic Consultant | Max 40 | 26 |
NCD-NPCDCS-PHYSIO | Physiotherapist | Max 40 | 20 |
NCD-NPHCE-PHYSIO | Physiotherapist | Max 40 | 14 |
NCD-NPHCE-RHW | Rehabilitation Worker | Max 40 | 29 |
NCD-NTCP-PSYC | Psychologist/ Counsellor | Max 40 | 35 |
NCD -NTCP -SW | Social Worker | Max 40 | 34 |
NP -IDSP -DDM | District Data Manager | Max 40 | 5 |
NP -NLEP - PHYSIO | Physiotherapist | Max 40 | 5 |
NP -RNTCP - A | Accountanty | Max 40 | 5 |
NP -RNTCP - CDC | Counsellor - DRTB Center | Max 40 | 3 |
NP -RNTCP - DPTHC | District PMDT/ TB HIV Coordinator | Max 40 | 6 |
NP -RNTCP - DPPMC | District PPM (Public Private Mix) Coordinator | Max 40 | 8 |
NP -RNTCP - DPC | District Program Coordinator | Max 40 | 5 |
NP -RNTCP - DRTB -SA | DRTB Center - Statistical Assistant | Max 40 | 2 |
NP -RNTCP - SMLT | Sputum Microscopist (SM)/Lab Technician | Max 40 | 10 |
NP -RNTCP - STLS | STLS -Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor | Max 40 | 16 |
NP-RNTCPSTS | STS-Senior Treatment Supervisor | Max 40 | 90 |
NP-RNTCPTBHV | Tuberculosis Health VisitorTBHV | Max 40 | 28 |
RADIO-MSXRT | X-Ray Technician | Max 40 | 12 |
RBSK -MOA - F | MO AYUSH (Female) | Max 62 | 142 |
RBSK -MOA - M | MO AYUSH (Male) | Max 62 | 51 |
RBSK -PP | Paramedical Pharmacist | Max 40 | 85 |
RBSK -DEIC - AUDIO | Audiologist | Max 40 | 2 |
RBSK -DEIC -DT | Dental Technician | Max 40 | 2 |
RBSK -DEIC - EISE | Early Interventionist - SPL Educator | Max 40 | 2 |
RBSK -DEIC - MOD | Medical Officer - Dental | Max 62 | 2 |
RBSK-DEIC-OPTO | Optometrist | Max 40 | 2 |
RBSK-DEIC-PHYSIO | Physiotherapist | Max 40 | 2 |
RBSK-DEICPSY | Psychologist | Max 40 | 2 |
RBSK-DEIC-SW | Social Workr | Max 40 | 2 |
RKSK-AFHSC | AFHS Counsellor | Max 40 | 49 |
RBSK-DEIC-M | DEIC Manager | Max 45 | 10 |
MIS-MEA-DL | M&E Assistant at Division Level | Max 40 | 3 |
NUHM-DAA | Data cum Account Assistant | Max 40 | 15 |
NUHM -UHC | Urban Health Coordinator | Max 40 | 6 |
NUHM -DA -DEO | Data Accountant cum DEO | Max 40 | 2 |
NCD-NTCP-DC | District Consultant | Max 62 | 35 |
DPMU-DCPM | District Community Process Manager | Max 45 | 3 |
DPMU -DAM | District Account Manager | Max 45 | 5 |
DPMU-DDAA | District Datea Cum Accountant Assistant | Max 45 | 4 |
NC-PA | Program Assistant | Max 40 | 1 |
SMPU-GM-MIS | General Manager | Max 50 Open Market | 1 |
SPMU-DGM-HR | Deputy General Manager | Max 50 Open Market | 1 |
SPMU-DGM-IEC | Deputy General Manager | Max 50 | 1 |
Post Name | Eligibility |
Block Account Manager |
Nutritionist/Feeding Demonstrat |
Dental Surgeon |
AYUSH MOYoga Specialist |
Case Registry Assistant |
Clinical Psychologist |
Community Level Psychologist |
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer |
Psychiatric Social Worker |
EYE Donation Counsellor |
Ophthalmic Assistant |
Finance-cum Logistic Consultant |
Physiotherapist |
Physiotherapist |
Rehabilitation Worker |
Psychologist/ Counsellor |
Social Worker |
District Data Manager |
Physiotherapist |
Accountanty |
Counsellor - DRTB Center |
District PMDT/ TB HIV Coordinator |
District PPM (Public Private Mix) Coordinator |
District Program Coordinator |
DRTB Center - Statistical Assistant |
Sputum Microscopist (SM)/Lab Technician |
STLS -Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor |
STS-Senior Treatment Supervisor |
Tuberculosis Health VisitorTBHV |
X-Ray Technician |
MO AYUSH (Female) |
MO AYUSH (Male) | |
Paramedical Pharmacist |
Audiologist |
Dental Technician |
Early Interventionist - SPL Educator |
Medical Officer - Dental |
Optometrist |
Physiotherapist |
Psychologist |
Social Workr |
AFHS Counsellor |
DEIC Manager |
M&E Assistant at Division Level |
Data cum Account Assistant |
Urban Health Coordinator |
Data Accountant cum DEO |
District Consultant |
District Community Process Manager |
District Account Manager |
District Datea Cum Accountant Assistant |
Program Assistant |
General Manager |
Deputy General Manager |
Deputy General Manager |
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